Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Good Job Guru

Upon Adam's arrival home last night, Caleb tells him, "good job flying jets." He is very good at positive reinforcement. He is also very polite. When I tell him I love him he replies with, "thank you." When he kisses me he follows it with, "you're welcome."

He is always telling me "good job" throughout the day. Like when I get him the juice he's been asking for, or when I put his shoes on to go outside.

With all this positive reinforcement, he's training me pretty effortlessly.

Speaking of training... I have begun the potty training process. Technique of choice: Candy. Yes, I bribe my child. Tell me a better way to get a 2.5 year old boy to stop playing with his toy jets and other household objects to tinkle in a plastic chair when sitting in his own waste doesn't seem to phase him.

I have a feeling the female is going to be a lot easier in that regard. She despises a wet or dirty diaper and doesn't hesitate in telling me about it in the loudest way she knows how. The minute the diaper change begins, she is all smiles. She also enjoys bath time and getting her clothes changed. She's so stereotypical.

On a fresher note, Caleb is both lovingly affectionate and an extremely generous big brother. As you can see from this picture...

Jael is never without sufficient blankets, toys and kisses.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love this picture of Caleb & Jael. One of my most treasured pictures (I'd say "memories" but it was taken days after my birth) is of Luke and Aaron gazing over the arm rest of mom's chair looking at me - perhaps - for the first time. The surprised looks on their faces is so reassuring to me. Jael's in good hands.
