Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Too Long For a Facebook Status...

My friend just fired up her photography website and I wanted to browse the pictures on her site. Caleb excitedly crawled into my lap and exclaimed, "are we going to look at jets?!" As the slideshow of babies, couples in love and happy families began rolling he was obviously disappointed. He grunted, "no... Where are my Tomcat jets?" As each new picture appeared Caleb gave a loud, disapproving grunt. Then, as if by miraculous intervention, an image of a lovely couple in front of a T-45 trainer jet appeared. He was elated. "There's my jet! There's my jet!" After it was replaced by something relatively uninteresting to a near three year old, he went back to grunting.

He was excited again however when a picture of me while I was pregnant with my baby girl popped up. He lit up and pointed crying, "look! That's you with the baby in your bottom!" I was near to weeping, for a couple reasons, when he repeated it, just in case I hadn't heard.

1 comment:

  1. This is tremendous, Hadassah. I love being able to view the world through the eyes of a three year old, a very special one at that. Thank you for giving me that opportunity.
