A few things have happened during my absence from blogging. There was, of course, Lady Redhawk Day. However, due to my husband's thoroughness in backing up family photos on an exterior drive (and my unwillingness to plug in a USB cable), I have only this one picture to document an entire day of the bliss I felt dressed in a Marine flight suit, practicing in legitimate military aviation simulators and sitting in fired-up T-45 jets. That's me in the middle with my Marine face on. (I swear I was happy.)

There was the repairing of a battery powered, John Deer tractor we picked up from Goodwill a few months back for five bucks. Caleb helped dad fix it. If sitting on the seat and pulling loose wires constitutes as helping. Either way, both dad and kid had fun fixing it up...
And both dad and kid had fun driving it around...

One evening there was a tandem bike ride down to the Star's Drive-in hamburger joint. Excepting the "Star's" logo on the sign, the place is a complete knock-off of Sonic's, menu included. It's as much as we can ask for here in Kingsville though. To have the real thing we'd have to trek 45 minutes to Corpus Christi. Nevertheless, the food was good and I treated myself to a Butterfinger Blast which Caleb greedily fought me for.

I don't know what sick power that child has over me, but he always seemed to get to the spoon before I could.

There was a random photo of Caleb's cuteness taken.

There was my daring venture to an unknown salon in Kingsville to get bangs cut. For real bangs this time. Not what the last stylist thought bangs were. They're fun, but they are hard to keep up with. I have to seriously saturate them with product and dry and straighten them into submission for them to look half decent. Even after all that effort though, it doesn't take much for them to rebelliously part in the middle or wave at the ends. It was worth a try though.

Here's a side view (for the necessary full effect).

There was a Saturday night spent with my little family at a dirt race track. It was fun and my first time experiencing such a thing. I now know where everyone I see at Wal-mart spends their Saturday night. And then Adam reminded me that we shop at Wal-mart... and we were there with them... Crap.
Caleb sporting some way-too-expensive-cause-daddy-gets-them-for-free-at-work earplugs.

He was obviously enjoying the race... And so was I.

I just couldn't resist thinking that one of them needed to break away from the same-old same-old and turn right.
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