Monday, June 21, 2010

Between The Sniffles and Chicken Soup, I Shall Blog

Caleb turned 2 years old on April 25th. Adam turned 30 years old on May 23rd. Our marriage turned 3 years old on May 26th. Dash "2" is now 7 months along and kicking furiously at my rib cage. I think he/she wants out as much as I want he/she out. My cravings mostly involve lemon and cake, together. Excepting an odd craving I don't remember experiencing during my last pregnancy. The craving to smell: Windex, the new fresh smelling Dishwasher liquid soap I found, and of course, Sharpies. On several occasions I have said to myself, "I should clean the bathroom" knowing the only reason for such a thought is to smell the Windex while cleaning the mirror... twice. I have had to resist the urge when passing a Sharpie, to rip off the cap and inhale deeply or take a whiff of the dishwasher soap as I squirt it into the trays.

Adam's mom was in town for a few weeks to help us out with Caleb. Caleb called her "Monka," affectionately. He still walks to the guest room door from time to time and calls, "Monka, Monka!" Poor guys is heartbroken when I have to explain to him again that Monka had to go home to Grandpa. He enjoyed having her here very much.

We had a garage and bake sale while Monka was here as well. We sold almost all of our junk which was such a great feeling! Not to mention raking in the dough. Monka and I made homemade Apple Butter and canned it (for future reference- homemade, canned salsa would have done much better here). We made lots of different kinds of cookies (including lemon filled cookies that were definitely my favorite). And I even tried my hand at fudge. One batch turned out. One did not, so much. But it was all a learning experience and we made a little extra money on top of it.

Our efforts were promptly turned into a 50" flat screen HD television.

Adam is now Carrier Qualified as of June 13th. He was flown out commercially to Jacksonville, FL on the 9th. He saw the USS George W.H. Bush from the cockpit of the T-45 after flying solo about 100 miles off shore. He caught the target wire his first landing. Such a stud. :)

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